Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts

Monday, December 21, 2020

Best Ever Xmas Songs

 When I visit op shops I look for second hand Xmas CDs -There seem to be plenty to choose from. Occasionally I find one with some original or different songs. These I collect for my own Xmas mix.

Any songs from the Bing Crosby songbook are too cliched to be included.

My favourite song is Tim Minchin's White Wine in the Sun. It expresses the atheist's Xmas perspective. Kate Miller-Heidke sings a great version on the album Spirit of Christmas 2010.

My favourite album of unusual Xmas songs is the Best Ever Christmas Mix - from EMI 2004 - 724387476820

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Diamintina Driving

In the 1980s I sang Diamintina Drover with the rest of the audience at Mt Isa Irish Club on Sunday nights.

Today I sang Diamintina Drover in the channel country of the Diamintina River as I drove the dusty road near Old Cork station.
Its a great sing along song - thank you Redgum.

Friday, May 29, 2020

The windscreen wipers are a-beatin' in time

Listening to ABC Country last night, I heard Slim Dusty singing.

It reminded me of visiting a record (i.e. analogue vinyl) shop in Mount Isa in 1984. The music was clearly divided into 2 sections - 1) Slim Dusty and 2) everybody else.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Merry Melodies

Tunes from my childhood make me happy.

Years ago when I was feeling depressed I watched old episodes of Doctor Who - Just the opening tune made me feel a bit better.

Recently I re-discovered another tune from my childhood The Robinson Crusoe background music:
I listened to this record with my siblings oh so many times. The background music is better known as Tchaikovskys 5th symphony.
I think that  Tchaikovskys 5th became unpopular in Australia because it was combined with Paul Hogan and used to advertise cigarettes.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Die Hard

I enjoy re-watching a favourite movie at the right season.
One of the best xmas movies is -- Die Hard with not only Bruce Willis but also Alan Rickman. And Beethoven wrote the music for them.

Watching today I noticed for the first time the polluted Los Angeles orange sunset at the start of the movie. Pollution shown as is in the Columbo TV series and taken to extreme in Bladerunner 2049.  The Calfornians got used to the pollution.

The smoke haze over my home continues. The sky is white not blue. The air is not fit to breathe. Australias environment minister is in Spain arguing for Australia to do less to save the world. Where is Bruce Willis when you need him?

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Seasonal Music

I enjoy the holiday by avoiding shopping and going to parties with my friends and family. This year I am preparing the music playlist for the family dinner.

I like to put together Xmas songs that are not the usual songs. Bing Crosbys songs for example are played so much that I have banned them. And the Wham song Last Xmas is sung by everyone. So when I go to op shops I look for any unusual Xmas CDs, Sometimes there are one or two songs that are not old carols and are not the common fare.

So far I have about 6 hours worth of unusual Xmas songs gleaned from nineteen different albums. Including:
One of the family album by Graeme Connors
The O.C. Mix 3 Have a very merry Christmukkah  album from the TV series
Christmas with Kamahl
A winter symphony by Sarah Brightman

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Detectorists

The Detectorists is an uplifting show with an enchanting theme tune.
Sing the song to smile.

Will you search through the lonely earth for me
Climb through the brier and bramble
I'll be your treasure
I felt the touch of the kings and the breath of the wind
I knew the call of all the song birds
They sang all the wrong words
I'm waiting for you
I'm waiting for you
Will you swim through the briny sea for me
Roll along the ocean's floor
I'll be your treasure
I'm with the ghost of the men who can never sing again
There's a place, follow me
Where a love lost at sea
Is waiting for you
Is waiting for you
By Johnny Flynn

Gas Lighting

Gas lighting was nominated as word of the year yesterday by Mirrium-Webster. When I look it up, the source of the term is nomin...