Showing posts with label Simplicity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Simplicity. Show all posts

Sunday, February 21, 2021



The Catan Dice Game comes with small marking pads to keep score, but you can get the pdf of the score sheet off the Catan website and print it out full size.

By laminating the pages with plastic (yes I know) I could mark the pages and then re-use them.

I did not want to use a plastic pen to mark them but I found a pencil to do the job - Staedtler Glasochrom.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Be sharp


Of course when writing with my pencil I want a nice sharp line.

I found a sharpener that gives a great point. But it has plastic parts.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Line up


Long ago I used to put off folding my washing because there were so many tasks to complete. Now I do it very quickly.

One of the changes I made was to make all of my socks the same - it is no trouble to pair them up now. A sock can pair with any other sock. 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Wax on

As I wandered through my favourite hardware warehouse, I saw a product new to me - food safe wax.

I have now waxed all the cutting boards in the kitchen and in the caravan.

They were all looking very pale and worn out and they were starting to crack. they look much better now.


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Infinity and beyond

 A simple book that explains some important concepts about infinity. It makes it all easy to understand.

How to count to Infinity by Marcus Du Sautoy [ ISBN 976-1-78648-497-0 ].

I have added it to my prepper library to help re-build civilisation after the fall.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Shoes for ever

 Shoes last longer if rested.

I have four pair - all the same make:

 - Very good

 - Everyday

 - Working/gardening

 - Painting

They are the same make - Kathmandu Strowan NGX - because I have found that wearing hiking shoes stops my back hurting.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Always learning

 I just learned how to tie my shoelace a better way -

The knotting method I learned as a child was not the best way!

For months I have tying double knots on my laces to stop them coming undone - But I have tested Ian's knot and it works well - not coming loose. As an ex-scout I should have known reef knots are better than granny knots.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Down to Earth

 Op shopping I also found Down to Earth by Rhonda Hetzel (ISBN 978-0-670-07592-8, 2012). She is also from South-east Queensland.

So far I've only read five chapters but it is engaging, and she has a recipe for making soap. Her theme is simple living and it is from the view of a retiree.

She also has a blog

Monday, December 14, 2020


 I went op shopping and found a book called Quotable Poems (about 800 pages). It was obviously made for the USA market - The holiday poems included Lincoln's Birthday and Columbus Day. 

Most of the book was far too religious for my taste with lots of references to the non-existent God. As for Columbus, he murdered and raped the inhabitants of the New World, and enslaved and committed genocide.

But I did find a poem I liked -

When the sun rises, I go to work;
When the sun goes down, I take my rest;
I dig the well from which I drink;
I farm the soil that yields my food.
I share creation; kings can do no more.

Gas Lighting

Gas lighting was nominated as word of the year yesterday by Mirrium-Webster. When I look it up, the source of the term is nomin...