Sunday, September 11, 2022

Edge of the Nullarbor

We had an easy drive from the Nullarbor Roadhouse to Ecula.
Along the way are three well signposted lookouts.

At the lookouts the undermining of the cliffs was obvious. 

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Banana Custard

Western Australia stops fruit crossing the border so tonight I am eating bananas.

Nullarbor Roadhouse

Nullarbor Roadhouse  packs in the caravans. Each Site has power but not water.

In the showers you pay for hot water.

The Right Whale

At the Head of the Great Australian Bight.
We watched a mother and calf cruise past immediately below the lookouts and very active whale vigorously slapping its tail under the cliffs.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Recycled Telescope

Once an earth station run by OTC. Now it is a radio astronomy telescope operated by University of Tasmania. 
About 70km North of Ceduna at the end of OTC Road - a wide unsealed road with some slippery patches.
You cannot do anything except look at it and take a photo.

Shelly Beach

We have reached the Southern Ocean. 
Shelly Beach near Ceduna lives up to its name.

The overcast skies and rain continue  as they have since Moree - a week ago.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Gas Lighting

Gas lighting was nominated as word of the year yesterday by Mirrium-Webster. When I look it up, the source of the term is nomin...