Saturday, September 17, 2022

Saturday Night .... du du du dooo

Early Saturday night at Bremer Bay Brewing.
I ordered a Sneaky Seagull - golden ale and a pepperoni pizza.


New plasticism on Ravensthorpe? 
I did not investigate - next time!

Ravensthorpe Wildflowers

Driving through Ravensthorpe we found that there was a community display of wildflowers. They were arranged by their families with the botanical names on cards. 
Nearby tea and scones were available in an old pub.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Australian Raven

 This raven just wanted to be seen.

Watching the cows

Southern Right Whale - cow and calf

Back on 10 September when we visited the Head of the Bight we saw a cow and calf pass close to the lookout.

Visiting the Head of the bight costs as shown-


Loose threads

Before driving off in the caravan I check the tire pressure of the van and the car.
I have a recently acquired analogue pressure gauge.  The nozzle components have unscrewed themselves several times. Spitting tiny components onto the ground. So today I disassembled, applied Loctite and re assembled.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Ban Mountain Bikes

At Dempster Head mountain bikes are banned because of their environmental damage. Meanwhile in Brisbane the local government is encouraging mountain biking in environmental reserves. 

Gas Lighting

Gas lighting was nominated as word of the year yesterday by Mirrium-Webster. When I look it up, the source of the term is nomin...