Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Eat the dog!

A book with the analysis on how to live sustainably, with some friendly calculations:
Time to eat the dog? - the real guide to sustainable living by Robert and Brenda Vale- ISBN 978 0 500 28790 3.

The summary for what is under my control:
1) FOOD - eat organic food and eliminate waste food. Eliminate packaging. Grow your own or buy local from open air markets.
2) ENERGY - Use less and eliminate waste. Make short showers. Use cold water in the laundry. For me this would be using the fan not the air conditioner.
3) TRAVEL - Cycle, walk, use public transport, use cars to capacity
4) STUFF - Maintain things, repair things, buy less, buy second-hand, share
5) HOUSING - build smaller, share more (bathrooms and bedrooms), renovate less, use the patio and verandah
6) HOLIDAYS - don't fly.

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