Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Water less

The bushfires burn and will continue until it rains. Dam levels here are at 60% -and we are lucky, other towns have no water. The desalination plant is turned up to full capacity - so we get more water and more carbon dioxide.

I have modified the toilet to reduce the flush. I have restricted external watering to vegetable garden only.

The creek is no longer flowing and only deep pools remain. I can access the foot of the bank to plant native species into areas usually difficult to reach.

The bright side:
The smoke haze reduces the heat of the sun.
The cane toad tadpoles (Bufo marinus - pest species) are dying as the creek dries up.

If trees were planted upwind of the dams catchment then it would rain more. Refer to Thom Hartmann, The last hours of ancient sunlight : The fate of the world and what we can do before it's too late, revised 2004 page 45 (ISBN 978-1-4000-5157-1)

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