Monday, May 18, 2020

A Grilled Burger

Eating a burger would, I suppose, not be worth writing about - usually. But We have not eaten out for 2 months -it's worth celebrating the lifting of social restrictions in the effort against the new virus.

On the radio, an announcer mentioned that many people had written to her saying how traumatic the lock down has been for them. But my beloved and I have not found it so. We have spent a lot of time around the house and with each other. Going out for groceries was a major expedition with hand wash and gloves.

Most meetings I used to go to went on too long - meeting over the internet is easier and you can surf the net if the conversation is irrelevant. I was not a person who needed social gatherings and parties.

I finished a couple of books that were on my reading list for years. I weeded the garden and tidied my hobby space. Altogether it has been a productive time for me.

I realise that I have not been taking children through school lessons and I have not been worried about loan repayments or job security.

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