Thursday, February 4, 2021

Weigh in


This hive weighs 10.5 kg.

When a native bee hive weighs about 9 kg then it is read to be harvested.

The overall hive dimensions are 200mm x 280mm x 295mm (high). The box is has three pieces. The bottom piece and middle piece form a single chamber for the brood. The middle level (mid box) is sealed at the top to separate it from the top piece (honey super) except for a connecting hole towards the top-back.

The front of the bottom piece has a main entrance (12mm diameter). The back of the mid box has a hole of a vent (7mm diameter). 

The thoney super is a chamber much smaller than the combined chamber of the bottom and middle pieces. Bees enter it by going through the brood chamber to the top-back and passing through the connecting hole.

The position of the entrance between the mid box and the honey super means that the bees are likely to store only honey in the top level.

The painted design on the front is to help the bees find the right hive.

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