Saturday, September 3, 2022

Emu Parade

These Emus were in parade formation until a photographer (not me) approached the fence. Then they all wanted to be in the photo.

We took the Kidman Way from Bourke to Cobar. A great road with little traffic. But there were lots of goats (feral?) grazing  at the roadside.

Cobar was a decent town and worth a longer stay but we just stayed for lunch. There was a pair of Mulga Parrots guarding a nest box near the information centre. Very pretty -red, green, yellow and blue.

Cobar to Broken Hill was much busier and the waterways became sandy rather than watery.

We saw emus.

This was a long drive in one day; we will try to make our future drives shorter.


  1. Great to see the emus. Personally I've never had much luck getting close to these critters - I've been seen as a threat too many times.

    1. Out of shot of the photo is a photographer at the fence - the emus all stopped to inspect him. I suspect that if the fence was not in the way he would have been in trouble 9 or 10 hungry emus to 1 bloke - he would have been in trouble.


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