Friday, December 20, 2019

Colour confidence

The current fashion is definitely for all interior walls to be white. Its what you see on architecture shows on TV and in apartments on real estate websites. White on white on white - no offence and no personality.

I prefer colour on the walls.

I found a book in the library Colour Now by Kevin McCloud (2009, ISBN 978-1-84949-219-5). It has lots of complex colour combinations. To translate the colours into an obtainable paint colour I took the book to Bunnings and asked for the full Dulux Colour book I then compared the colours to select the Dulux equivalent. The paint desk at Bunnings had some natural light which helped getting the colours right.

The combinations in the the book gave me confidence to be bold.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Peak flow

The housing density in my suburb is increasing.
Formerly on a eight hundred square metre allotment there would be a single storey 3 bedroom house with a gravel driveway. Sixty percent of the area would be garden and trees. The downpipes from the roof would discharge onto garden or into a rainwater tank.

After development this same area will host two two-storey houses each with five bedrooms and a concrete driveway and a very small garden. The downpipes discharge onto the street.

The roofs and concrete driveways are impenetrable (I would hope) to rain so it must flow off. This makes the peak flow after a storm higher than before.

The solutions include rainwater tanks, soak pits and using gravel instead of concrete. Also leaving room for a garden would be nice.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Storm recovery

There have been a couple of intense storms lately. The creek is no longer a dry bed - it is flowing. The grasses, shrubs and trees around the creek are looking much better.
The intense water movement shifted a lot of debris. Many of the plants the environment revival group planted have become buried in flotsam. In other spots overland flows have scrubbed the soil away exposing plant roots.
So the group has spent a couple of hours digging around to ensure the plants survive the flood.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Garage Sale

On the weekend I was assisting at a garage sale.

It was noticeable that the majority of enduring items were ceramic, glass, metal and leather. The plastic stuff was usually brittle and or tatty.

People came and went and some found something desirable. A lady found a masonite suitcase it was over 60 years old - older than me - and she wanted it for her suitcase collection. Several people found something to turn into a xmas present. One man went away with a box of xmas decorations.

It did not raise a great deal of money but maybe the purpose of a garage sale is to create happiness.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Give a Crap

A friend made a mistake.

As an ethical consumer they ordered environmentally friendly toilet paper. But they ordered too much and generously gave away boxes of the stuff. I benefited to the tune of one bulk buy box (48 rolls). The paper was the premium product 3-ply bamboo toilet paper on double length rolls.
Its good stuff I will be re-ordering when I eventually run out.

The brand is Who gives a crap.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Merry Melodies

Tunes from my childhood make me happy.

Years ago when I was feeling depressed I watched old episodes of Doctor Who - Just the opening tune made me feel a bit better.

Recently I re-discovered another tune from my childhood The Robinson Crusoe background music:
I listened to this record with my siblings oh so many times. The background music is better known as Tchaikovskys 5th symphony.
I think that  Tchaikovskys 5th became unpopular in Australia because it was combined with Paul Hogan and used to advertise cigarettes.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Die Hard

I enjoy re-watching a favourite movie at the right season.
One of the best xmas movies is -- Die Hard with not only Bruce Willis but also Alan Rickman. And Beethoven wrote the music for them.

Watching today I noticed for the first time the polluted Los Angeles orange sunset at the start of the movie. Pollution shown as is in the Columbo TV series and taken to extreme in Bladerunner 2049.  The Calfornians got used to the pollution.

The smoke haze over my home continues. The sky is white not blue. The air is not fit to breathe. Australias environment minister is in Spain arguing for Australia to do less to save the world. Where is Bruce Willis when you need him?

Gas Lighting

Gas lighting was nominated as word of the year yesterday by Mirrium-Webster. When I look it up, the source of the term is nomin...