Friday, November 8, 2019

Capture the cool

Today the weather was predicted to be extremely hot with a hot wind. So, today, when I woke I closed the windows to the house to trap the cool air inside.
now near noon the interior of the house is much cooler than outside. Tonight when it cools off I'll open the windows to get cool air inside again.

I learned this years ago in Melbourne at an engineering consultancy. The consultancy was upstairs in a historic building with thick walls and openable windows. On pleasant days the window were open admitting the sounds of the street with the breeze. When extreme heat was forecast the principal mechanical engineer ensured that all the windows were closed to exclude the heat. When the cool change came through the windows were opened again. It was very pleasant when the windows were opened to hear the hooves of the horse pulling tourists in a buggy and the surge in sound of the lunch time crowds.

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