Saturday, November 9, 2019

November 2019, Los Angeles

I have seen Blade Runner - The Final Cut at a movie theatre. A fantastic movie about what it is to be human.

The pollution, the crazy weather, and disappearing animals are the background - they have come true. Though the weather in California is more wildfire than rain. Flying cars and interplanetary migration are still fantasy.

One thing that is quietly in progress is the robot revolution. There are ten-storey warehouses being built in Australia for major grocery retailers. No people handle the goods - all de-palleting, storing, repalleting, scheduling is by robots and algorithms. There are no lights because they are not needed. Each warehouse replaces hundreds of jobs.

If you liked the movie there is a great novel set in the same universe -
Tears in Rain by Rosa Montero.
Another book with a similar theme - of being human - is The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi.

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