Tuesday, February 16, 2021



A friend asked me to look at their radio. The radio was a present from their father for doing well at high school exams, but it no longer worked.

The radio is an AWA Radiola model B24Z first made in 1964. The original power supply was an Eveready 9 volt battery (type 2362), and is no longer available. I tested the radio with a modern 9 volt alkaline battery (6LR61) and it worked very well. So I replaced the battery connectors with new 9 volt snap connectors, I added a cardboard holder for the new battery as it was considerably smaller than the original and I installed the new battery.

These radios have great reception with a five inch ferrite rod antenna internal shielding and an all metal front face. They are a great collectable radio.

So the radio from 1964 - 57 years ago - works very well. I wonder if anything else that man purchased in 1964 is still in working order.

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